FAQ van stats

FAQ van Noodels.nl Normal [1.6]

Server Stats Cheaters Player Ranks Clan Ranks Wapens Ranks Award Ranks Map Stats FAQ

op dinsdag 07 februari 2017 om 22:04 zijn 12 bestanden (27.42 KB) gescanned in 0 seconde.

  • Questions
  • What are the minimum requirements needed for players to rank?
In order for a player to rank they must meet the minimum requirements on this server. View the table below for the full listing of requirements for player ranking.
Must be registered? 0 (1 = yes, 0 = no)
Minimum online players: 2 Continous online player count in order for stats to be collected
Minimum Skill: 500 Players start with a skill of $baseskill
Minimum Kills: 10
Minimum Deaths: 1
Minimum K:D ratio: 0.10
Minimum Online Time: 1m (h = hour, m = minutes, s = seconds)
Minimum Rounds: 0
  • What are the minimum requirements needed for clans to rank?
In order for a clan to rank it must meet the minimum requirements on this server. View the table below for the full listing of requirements for clan rankings.
Minimum Members: 3
Average Skill: 500
Average Rank: 0
Minimum Kills: 50
Average K:D ratio: 0.0
Minimum Player Kills: 1 For each member
Minimum Player Deaths: 1 For each member
  • How are players tracked?
We use name tracking on this server.
WONID Players unique WONID is used to track their progress. If a player changes their name while in the game stats will still be collected under the same player WONID
LCNAME Players name is used to track their progress. If a player changes their name while in the game stats will stop counting for the old name and start with the new name that was changed to. Names are NOT case-sensitive
NAME Same as LCNAME except player names are CASE-SENSITIVE
  • What maps are excluded from the stats?
Stats are not recorded on the following maps (if any), partial map names can match as well. ie: 'de_' would cause all DE type maps to be excluded:
  • Auto Kick/Ban/Cheat settings
This server utilizes the following settings to block players from the server that have been kicked/banned or have been detected cheating.
Auto Ban-Deny: 0 (1 = banned players will be denied from stats, 0 = no action taken)
Max Kick-Deny: 0 Total times a player is kicked before they are denied from the stats
Max Cheat-Deny: 1 Total times a player has been detected cheating before they are denied from the stats